Professional Services for a Variety of Industries
Warehousing – Material Storage and Control
Quality Inspection – Utilizing experienced inspectors and supervisors
Rework – Parts are modified to client specification
Incoming Quality/Receiving Inspection – QAS offers a full service receiving inspection activity at your site. We have a proven track record and can establish a cost efficient system to handle your daily incoming supplier quality requirements.
Sorting – On-site or at our facility. Our experienced inspectors and supervisors will handle your parts as you would handle and inspect them.
3rd Party Containment
Inventory Management
Representation – QAS has an established team of experienced professionals providing on-site representation services for a varied client base. Let us tailor a specific representation package to meet your needs. We have liaison services available at most OEM assembly plants as shown on our Customer List.
Proudly Serving a Variety of Customers Around the United States
We have the facilities and personnel to serve a wide variety of clients throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. QAS proudly serves the top tier businesses in the automotive, medical and transportation industries with professional inspection, testing and support.